
HPC Steering Group

The HPC Steering Group has been formed to provide governance of the HPC service. Comprising of researchers from across the university who are amongst the most experienced users, the steering group were involved in the procurement and acceptance testing phases of Viper and continue to provide a level of independent governance for the HPC service. The HPC Steering Group consists of:

Mr Chris CollinsChair (HPC Manager)
Dr David BenoitMember (Astrochemistry)
Prof Jiawei MiMember (Engineering)
Dr Nina DethlefsMember (Computer Science)
Dr David LuntMember (Biological Science)
Dr Leonid NikitenkoMember (Biomedical Sciences)
Dr Amangeldi KenjegalievMember (Economics)
Dr Charlie LloydMember (Energy and Environment Institute)
HPC StaffMember (HPC Secretary)

The Terms of Reference for the HPC Steering Group can be found at HPC Steering Group – Terms of Reference v0.2

HPC Team

The HPC Support team manage the day to day administration of the HPC service, and are available to provide training and assistance for those wanting to use HPC in their research. The team consists of:

Chris CollinsResearch Systems Manager
Darren BirdResearch Systems Software Engineer
Craig JohnsonResearch Systems Software Engineer
Nikolai ValkamoStudent Placement HPC Engineer