Apply for an Account

To apply for an account please visit the University of Hull portal at and search for Viper Account and fill in the form.

Please note important for DAIM MSc students:

Please discuss your requirement for Viper access with your MSc project supervisor first, and have them apply for an account on your behalf using the form: Support Portal – DAIM MSc Project Account Request Form


Undergraduates need to be backed by a project supervisor, a member of the Viper team will contact you after you have made your application for more information .

When applying, please state your research area, the type of jobs you will run, for example StarCCM. How you will use Viper e.g. Large Memory and your expected storage requirements.

Please note that when using Viper you are responsible for your own data backups, you must not store sensitive information and you are bound to University’s computing regulations.


When applying, please state your research area, the type of jobs you will run, for example StarCCM. how you will use Viper e.g. Large Memory and your expected storage requirements.

Please note that when using Viper you are responsible for your own data backups, you must not store sensitive information and you are bound to University’s computing regulations.

Researchers / Staff

When applying, please state your research area, the type of jobs you will run, for example StarCCM. how you will use Viper e.g. Large Memory and your expected storage requirements.

Please note that when using Viper you are responsible for your own data backups, you must not store sensitive information and you are bound to University’s computing regulations.